The Execrable* Project
In a certain school in a certain part of the famous Singapore, The Execrable Project aka TEP terror students from all over the school.
People were kept imprisoned daily 8.30am to 6.00pm (not a minute less) in large frosting chamber. Forced to stare meaninglessly at bright meaninless screen, slowly damaging the eye and aching the brain. How sad is that ?
Though it is a wonderful place where everyone gets to meet amazing people, it is also a place where eveyone meet horrible people. People infected with spider diseases are topping the " you pissed me off" chart (please refer to www.siaoeh-kuku.blogspot.com for more gruesome details of the disease). SA aka Situation Awareness also flows freely among the population (please refer to www.contradictoryparadoxes.blogspot.com for aweful facts about SA). As you may have guessed, SA is currently very popular on the "you pissed me off chart" ranking no. 2 following the spider disease very very closely on the chart. I shall go through the chart no more........
Horror tales about The Execrable Project generates by the hour. It's would be almost uncountable after one has complete the project. A surprisingly large number of students had survived the period of the project (this proves how strong we young singaporeans are!) however most leave with unforgettable memories. I would let your imagination decides what those memories are like and what it had done to people. :)
This is the end of my review about the legendary The Execrable Project. Bless all who survived.
*for those who are not sure about the meaning of execrable, it means abhorrent, atrocious, awful, base, beastly, contemptible, cursed, deplorable, despicable, detestable, disgusting, execrable, foul, grim, hairy, hateful, heinous, hellish, horrible, loathsome, lousy, nasty, nauseating, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, sleazeball, stinking, terrible, very bad, vile, wretched... there's alot more actually.

Note: DO NOT mistaken someone with spider disease to be Spider-Man! Or Spidey would be there to haunt you >:p
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