Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
First post of the year!
Just completed another essay. Didn't think I did very well.. but anyway.. lets move on
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Digital Storytelling
Just completed a 2 weeks course in school... they made us write stories and make it into a video.. this is what i have done
Makes me sad every single time I watch it
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Freedom Writers
Wow! Almost one year already since my last post! I guess no one really care, who else logs on to blogger when twitters and facebooks are so much funner!
There had been a couple of changes in my life since the beginning of the year, most notably my ORD. Two years now seem incredibly short ... NS in Chong Pang camp was beyond words.. I dunno whether I should be saying this but hell I thoroughly enjoyed my time in NS. 7 Weeks in Tekong Chalet, 3 months in ARC playground, burnt 2 months in Gedong desert and finally spent the rest of my NS in cloud 7 Chong Pang. Made many friends, really hope we would keep in touch. Aloysius, Rey, Hong Shern, Mao, Samuel, Joseph, Chia & Matthew (writing their names down just in case... my memory of ppl's name is pathetic) are ppl who left a significant impression, they are many more but as i said.. my memory of names is really pathetic... really struggling to put names to faces sometimes, really worries me u know, am I suffering from some kind of Alzheimer.
Anyway what prompted me to write this post is the movie Freedom Writers. I just caught it on dvd (rented by my dad) and it gave me so much inspiration. The movie is (a ture story) about a determined first time teacher going against adversity to unite a group of disillusioned students and eventually inspired them to become freedom writers. ok fine i know my describtion is awful.. tt brings me to the reason why I am reluctant to write blogs, i guess i am too conscious about my not so perfect english. You know being a soon to be teacher and all, i really have to improve on my writing skills. I always envy ppl who could easily write and express themselves. Americans in those damn Hollywood films always appeared so versatile and are able to so naturally express themselves! It made me really jealous, sometimes even ashamed that we (as in Singaporeans? or mayb Asians in general or mayb just me...) still lacked very much in the ability to communicate effectively and freely. It is their culture tt really intrigues me.... aiya i am too lazy to elaborate.. crap.. do u know how many times i visted writing this post jus to make sure my spellings are right argh!! really gotta improve..
Randomly I have decided to post some random photos..

Showing off my proud collection of Marvel comics..

Made a few changes to me room... isn't this luffy irresistibly cute??? It is to me tt's why i squeezed out 29.90 for it! Oh ya.. saw the Uglydolls in the background? Haven got the chance to play leh.. anyone?

Was feeling bored and creative... erm... but it was not very well edited.. can see the flaw or not?
Saturday, January 03, 2009
A new year with a new room
Took a couple of days off to work on my room last mth.. giving it a much needed revamp.

The old and uninspiring.

Added new coat of paint and repositioned the items in my room. Felt satisfied and good to have accomplised something other than killing monsters in the virtual world. ;)
A big thanks to my gf who helped with the painting. I would have drowned in the sea of paint without her painting untiringly throughout the afternoon.
(would let u paint loco roco on my wall next time k)

The old and uninspiring.

Added new coat of paint and repositioned the items in my room. Felt satisfied and good to have accomplised something other than killing monsters in the virtual world. ;)
A big thanks to my gf who helped with the painting. I would have drowned in the sea of paint without her painting untiringly throughout the afternoon.
(would let u paint loco roco on my wall next time k)
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Boarding Gaming @ Bui's
Bui is flying of to japan again! what a wonderful jet setting lifestyle ... Xy's dad just came from Dubai couple of days ago bringing back huges Abu Dhabi t-shirts for everyone.. N Xy himself is travelling to Thailand again in search of his Thai princess .. Oh man how they made me feel like travelling to a foreign land too..
Egyt anyone? It's really a beautiful country you know..

NO ... i didnt rip this photo off wiki
Back to the subject. Yesterday I finally had the chance to bring out my board game from my dusty wardrobe with everyone gathered @ Bui's.

Spot my undie..
It started off with me explaining the game Puerto Rico to the female xy, ming ming and "bear" while the male xy and bui is already eagering discussing strategy to screw my game plan up (due to the fact i owned them twice the previous time, hee) interrupting my speech on and off. Both the male xy and bui insisted enthusiastically that i started first (which I haven really figure out why..)
It was really fun and pleasant to be able to gather together again with everyone present to enjoy a light-hearted yet challenging boardgame. Through out the game you can see cute images of the male xy and bui whispering suspiciously to each other while stealing glances at me.
At the opposite end the female xy and ming ming were also whispering to each other during each of their turn though with less evil intent and i suspect most of the time it's the female xy explainging the game to the clueless ming ming.
Deserted @ a corner is the "BEar" making noob mistakes every turn and turning to scream @ the tv accusing the Manchester United players of being Noob (they lost 2-1 to arsenal). When i think of it.. it's actually the noob mistakes that the "Bear" made that really screw my game up... Did bui and the male xy secretly "whisper" to him during my toilet breaks?? -_-
The game ended with Bui victorious with : 50 pts
The team of the female xy and ming ming : 47 pts
Me being too distracted the whole game : 46 pts
The male xy n his bro "Bear" both each: 38 pts
It was a good game and the female xy and ming ming were surprisingly quick get into the game. Bui's victory was expected with his enormous brain @ work (and blind sided the poor male xy) haha! Next time me and the male xy would be the one whispering suspiciously at one corner! Good day Good fun! Till next time! Ciao.
Egyt anyone? It's really a beautiful country you know..

NO ... i didnt rip this photo off wiki
Back to the subject. Yesterday I finally had the chance to bring out my board game from my dusty wardrobe with everyone gathered @ Bui's.

Spot my undie..
It started off with me explaining the game Puerto Rico to the female xy, ming ming and "bear" while the male xy and bui is already eagering discussing strategy to screw my game plan up (due to the fact i owned them twice the previous time, hee) interrupting my speech on and off. Both the male xy and bui insisted enthusiastically that i started first (which I haven really figure out why..)
It was really fun and pleasant to be able to gather together again with everyone present to enjoy a light-hearted yet challenging boardgame. Through out the game you can see cute images of the male xy and bui whispering suspiciously to each other while stealing glances at me.
At the opposite end the female xy and ming ming were also whispering to each other during each of their turn though with less evil intent and i suspect most of the time it's the female xy explainging the game to the clueless ming ming.
Deserted @ a corner is the "BEar" making noob mistakes every turn and turning to scream @ the tv accusing the Manchester United players of being Noob (they lost 2-1 to arsenal). When i think of it.. it's actually the noob mistakes that the "Bear" made that really screw my game up... Did bui and the male xy secretly "whisper" to him during my toilet breaks?? -_-
The game ended with Bui victorious with : 50 pts
The team of the female xy and ming ming : 47 pts
Me being too distracted the whole game : 46 pts
The male xy n his bro "Bear" both each: 38 pts
It was a good game and the female xy and ming ming were surprisingly quick get into the game. Bui's victory was expected with his enormous brain @ work (and blind sided the poor male xy) haha! Next time me and the male xy would be the one whispering suspiciously at one corner! Good day Good fun! Till next time! Ciao.